The Beeline Club loyalty program offers participants even more opportunities to make the most of their bonuses. Your BeeCoins now can be exchanged for fee-free P2P transfers in the Beepul app.
With this new service, transfers become simplier and more cost-effective — no fees at all! Simply accumulate the required number of BeeCoins and choose a suitable transfer limit in the app.
Benefits of the new service:
• Fee-free transfers on attractive terms;
• Convenient usage through the hambi and Beepul apps;
• Available for participants at Level 2 and higher.
Terms of the new service
1. Limit validity period
The purchased limit is valid for 30 calendar days from the date of purchase. If a new limit is purchased before the current one expires, the limits are combined, and the validity period is extended by 30 days.
2. Access to fee-free transfers
The fee-free transfer limit package is available exclusively for your own account.
3. Program levels and limits
BeeCoins can be exchanged for fee-free transfers under the following conditions:
• 1 million UZS — for 5 000 BeeCoins (available for participants from Level 2);
• 3 million UZS — for 13 000 BeeCoins (available for participants from Level 3);
• 5 million UZS — for 20 000 BeeCoins (available for participants from Level 4).
4. Package purchase limits
Participants can purchase up to 10 fee-free transfer limit packages within a single calendar month.
5. Limit usage priority
If your current tariff already provides a fee-free transfer limit, that limit will be used first. The additional purchased limit will only be activated after the tariff-provided limit is fully used.
6. Partial limit usage
If the transfer amount exceeds the available tariff-provided limit, the system will automatically:
• Use the remaining tariff-provided limit first.
• Deduct the remaining amount from the additional purchased fee-free limit.
How to use the new service:
1. Open the hambi app.
2. Select a suitable transfer limit from the available options.
3. Exchange your BeeCoins for a fee-free transfer.
4. Start using the service in the Beepul app.
Beeline Club makes loyalty truly rewarding!